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Nurse Judy's Newbie Class
Newborn information essentials
Formerly known as baby boot camp
What to do when you realize there's no return policy
As an advice nurse, many of my calls come from brand new parents needing reassurance that everything is okay.
This class is geared towards *new parents, and serves as a great guide and tool kit for surviving the first 3 months. It is perfect for folks in their third trimester
Among other things, we will cover colic, diaper rash, spitting up, thrush, infant rashes, cord care, as well as sleep and schedule tips.
*This is a great refresher class for parents with an older child at home. When you are used to a child who can tell you what they need, those new babies seem SO small and vulnerable. It is quite normal to forget most everything you once knew about dealing with a newborn.
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